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Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Doctoral schools

Within the Doctoral College CEREGE works with two doctoral schools in order to ensure the best level of supervision, support and training for thesis students in our laboratory.

The Environmental Sciences Doctoral School (ED251)

This doctoral school, focused on Environmental Sciences, corresponds to the core of CEREGE's research and the majority of our doctoral students are attached to it. It is essentially multidisciplinary and ensures a strong interaction between fields such as Earth Sciences, Chemistry or Ecology, in order to understand the dynamics of global change, natural and anthropic hazards or resource and waste management.

Doctoral School Espaces Cultures Sociétés (ED355)

This doctoral school comes under the domain of Human and Social Sciences, and the attachment of a certain number of our doctoral students corresponds to the strong involvement of CEREGE in research on the links between the environment and human societies, in particular in the Mediterranean area.


CEREGE lead :
Laurence Vidal