Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Earth and Planets Team

The Earth and Planet team is made up of about sixty people, including 8 researchers (CNRS and IRD), 17 academics (AMU), 12 engineers, 15 PhD students and 8 post-docs.

Lionel Siame

Senior Lecturer
Co-leader of the Earth and Planets team

Yoann Quesnel

Senior Lecturer
Co-leader of the Earth and Planets team

Search for a CEREGE member
Nicolas Acuna Reyes
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Lounis Ait Oufella
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Valérie Andrieu
TP-Earth and Planets
Georges Aumaitre
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets
Nke Bella
COLL-Associate collaborator
TP-Earth and Planets
Olivier Bellier
TP-Earth and Planets
Lucilla Benedetti
DR-Senior Researcher
TP-Earth and Planets
Raouia Berhail
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets
Morgane Blanot
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Regis Braucher
CR-Research Associate
TP-Earth and Planets
Helene Bruneton
TP-Earth and Planets
Olivier Cavalie
TP-Earth and Planets
Doriane Delanghe
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets
Francois Demory
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets
Bertrand Devouard
TP-Earth and Planets
Luc Diatta
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Jules Fleury
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets
Mauro Frontini
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Stephanie Gairoard
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets
Jerome Gattacceca
DR-Senior Researcher
TP-Earth and Planets
Matthieu Ghilardi
CR-Research Associate
TP-Earth and Planets
Vincent Godard
TP-Earth and Planets
Anais Gonzalez Guillen
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Valery Guillou
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets
Diane Intartaglia
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Karim Keddadouche
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets
Anna Kharlanova
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Anthony Lagain
PD-Post Doctoral Researcher
TP-Earth and Planets
Laetitia Leanni
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets
Anne Lebatard
CR-Research Associate
TP-Earth and Planets
Maureen Llinares
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Julien Longerey
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets
Lucas Longour
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets
Vivien Mai Yung Sen
ATER-Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant
TP-Earth and Planets
Leo Martin
TP-Earth and Planets
Pierre-etienne Mathe
TP-Earth and Planets
Clara Maurel
CR-Research Associate
TP-Earth and Planets
Christophe Morhange
TP-Earth and Planets
Anna Musolino
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Vanbinh Nguyen
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Maria Peter
PD-Post Doctoral Researcher
TP-Earth and Planets
Yoann Quesnel
TP-Earth and Planets
Magali Riesner
TP-Earth and Planets
Magali Rizza
TP-Earth and Planets
Pierre Rochette
ECE - Emeritus Research Teacher
TP-Earth and Planets
Carine Sadaka
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Lionel Siame
TP-Earth and Planets
Nais Sirdeys
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Petanki Soro
DC-PhD Student
TP-Earth and Planets
Nicolas Thouveny
ECE - Emeritus Research Teacher
TP-Earth and Planets
Minoru Uehara
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets
Didier Vandamme
TP-Earth and Planets
Claude Vella
TP-Earth and Planets
Alain Veron
CR-Research Associate
TP-Earth and Planets
Gamal Younes
ATER-Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant
TP-Earth and Planets
Fawzi Zaidi
PAR - Research Support Staff
TP-Earth and Planets