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Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Eco-responsibility Committee

Created on 1 January 2024 as a continuation of CEREGE's "Cellule Verte" (2019), the eco-responsibility committee has set itself the goal of reducing the environmental impact of the laboratory's professional activities while maintaining, and even improving, the quality of working life and the quality of scientific production and services.

Today, it accompanies and supports the action plan drawn up by the management to rally its staff around its ecological transition project.

It is setting up communication and awareness-raising initiatives such as the CEREGE Transition Day on 12 June 2023.

On the basis of the Paris Agreements

Laws and action plans have recently been published to meet the Paris Agreement target of halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and becoming carbon neutral by 2050.

In the higher education and research sectors, the choice of the trajectory to reach this objective is left to the actors so that it is consistent with their professional missions. The initiatives of the collective labos1point5 and its tools facilitate this trajectory...

The CNRS Ethics Committee (COMETS) also considers in its recently published opinion that "the consideration of the environmental impacts of research should be considered as part of research ethics. It recommends "to increase the number of discussion forums enabling all research personnel to debate the issues and the contours of the responsibility of research actors and to think about their activity with regard to environmental issues".

Towards an eco-responsibility project for research practices

In this spirit, the management of CEREGE, present and future, wishes to co-construct a project of eco-responsibility of research practices and professional habits in order to reduce the environmental footprint of the laboratory, while maintaining an excellent quality of research.

How can we profoundly rethink the way we do research?
To what extent? With which levers? Which aspects are a priority?

A day for and towards transition with the Ceregians

The green unit is also currently working on the organisation of a dedicated day for all the laboratory's staff, which will be held on 12 June 2023.

An initial questionnaire was sent to 250 cerebrates to gather their position and state of mind on the subjects of this transition, what is expected or not from the laboratory, the commitment and the possible concrete actions. The preliminary results show that 76% of agents are loans à change their habits at work to reduce the environmental footprint. Out of 90 participants at the CEREGE massive session In "My Earth in 180 Minutes", 60% estimates the inspiring reduction levers for feasible measures.

In this context, the Transition Day aims to provide a collective opportunity for reflection and to study the concrete actions to be taken to reduce the environmental impact of CEREGE.

CEREGE wins CNRS award for its low-carbon project

Read the article

Actions implemented

Awareness raising
Posters (digital, heating, waste, energy consumption...), global session "My Earth 180 Minutes", participation in the game "My Little Planet", presentation of the BEGES, list of recommended eco-responsible caterers/ERS...

Project for a bicycle shelter, encouraging energy-efficient travel (public transport, cycling, carpooling), hosting Klaxit...

Incentives to sort different types of waste with the installation of dedicated receptacles, reorganisation for waste from events, project to install a compost bin, etc.

Energy audit of premises (2023)

CEREGE Carbon Footprint 2019