Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences


Strategic Orientation Council

Made up of the Executive Committee, team leaders, representatives (supervisory bodies, National Instrument, contract staff), project managers (International Relations and Southern Sciences, Observation, Scientific Culture, Eco-responsible Commitment) and the Council of External Scientific Experts, the COS arbitrates and reflects on strategic issues concerning the future of CEREGE (thesis grants, recruitment, requests for resources, investments, APIC, international relations, etc.).

Laboratory Council

The Laboratory Council meets 3 times a year and more if necessary according to external constraints and internal requests. It has a consultative role and is required to vote on budgetary issues, annual closures, operating procedures for the group, and the arrival of new recruits before their mobility or tenure.

Personnel Committee

Composed of the Unit Director, the Administrative Director, a career adviser, one of the heads of each team, 2 ITA representatives and 2 BIATSS representatives appointed by election, this commission meets 3 to 4 times a year to rank the ITA/BIATSS promotion files and to propose bonus supplements, before the Management Committee takes a decision. ITAs and BIATSSs prioritised by the Personnel Committee for promotion receive help in writing their applications and preparing for the orals.

Training and Research Committee