Equipex NANO-ID

Project coordinator
CEA-LITEN (Grenoble)
Scientific Director CEREGE
Jérôme Rose
8 partners (including 2 industrial partners) representing all fields of application of nano-safety
In 2010, theNational Research Agency has selected the Nano-ID project in the framework of the EQUIPEX call for tenders of the Investment in the future.
The objective of Nano-ID (2010-2019) has been to set up an open national platform that meets the research needs on the risks associated with the development of nanotechnologies. This platform is composed of exceptional characterisation equipment and specific prototypes capable of detect and identify the chemical nature of the nanoparticles in complex matrices These include protective equipment, workstations, biological environments, plants, food, soil, beverages, etc.
The Nano-ID platform consists of two main pieces of equipment (transmission electron microscope with a cryogenic stage - cryoTEM, and X-ray tomographs - micro-CT and nano-CT) and various complementary tools that constitute a platform capable of identifying nanoparticles in complex media.

As a partner in the project, CEREGE brought its strong expertise on the risks linked to nanotechnologies. Indeed, it was one of the first French laboratories to have developed research on this topic and to have structured an important part of French research in this field (GDRi iCEINT, Labex Serenade).
In 2012, CEREGE acquired two X-ray tomographs: one micro-tomograph MicroXCT-400 and a nano-tomograph UltraXRM-L200 marketed by ZEISS.
The CEREGE thus has a highly efficient, multi-scale, high spatial resolution 3D imaging platform (down to the nanometric scale) that is unique in France. This equipment has been integrated into the2D and 3D X-ray imaging - MATRIX of the team Sustainable Environment.

- Auffan et al, 2014, Nanotoxicology
- Bossa et al, 2015, Cement & Concrete Research
- Pradas et al, 2017, Environmental Science and Technology
- Avellan et al, 2017, Environmental Science and Technology
- Chaurand et al, 2018, Scientific Reports
- Bossa et al, 2019, Environmental Science Nano.
- Vermillac et al, 2019, Optical Materials