Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

National and International Collaborations

International collaborations are based on the international research programmes of the EU (H2020), the ANR (PCRI), the CNRS (IRP, PICS), the IRD (JEAI, LMI) and the French Agency for Development (AFD). In parallel, the four CEREGE teams have developed international collaborations via projects funded by the EU (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions), the ANR (PCR), the INSU (EC2CO, IMAGO), the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity, the AMU (ARKAIA Institute) and the NSF (USA). The different projects are presented in the team pages.

CEREGE has invested heavily in long-term partnerships with Southern countries thanks to programmes developed by the AFD, the World Bank and the cooperation and cultural action departments (SCAC) of the embassies of the countries in which CEREGE researchers are involved, as well as the numerous resources made available by the IRD.

Thus, CEREGE has initiated two International Joint Laboratories and two Young Teams attached to the IRD with African partners. CEREGE coordinates or participates in four hydro-eco-climatic observatories in the South (funded by IRD, CNRS and ANR) and three partnerships are developed with Congo and India via ANR and CEFIPRA projects.

The research questions associated with these international projects concern agricultural soil management, aquifer resources and the hydrological functioning of lakes and lagoons, seismic risk, morpho-tectonics, geochronology, past continental hydroclimates and paleoceanography, nanotechnologies and the use of nanomaterials, rehabilitation of mining soils, and socio-ecosystems in the face of global change.

International training is also developed. An Erasmus programme with the European Union (2019-2022) has been initiated by a consortium of 3 European universities led by CEREGE for Aix-Marseille University (AMU).

Finally, since 2016, the laboratory has supervised 14 doctoral theses, via AMU, in co-direction or co-supervision with partners from foreign universities. Within the framework of the CIVIS project, CEREGE is involved in the creation of joint teaching modules (between at least three European partner universities) and in the creation of a joint Master's degree entitled Master CIVIS Climate-Environment-Energy (between the European universities involved in the CIVIS project, which is scheduled to open in 2024).