Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Research and Education Centre international multidisciplinary, the CEREGE covers almost all the Environmental Geosciences, with one objective: to study the dynamics of environmental processes and their disturbances under natural or anthropogenic constraints. 

"The CEREGE, with 278 staff, including 138 permanent staff, is a major research unit in the French scientific landscape. HCERES 2023

Centre of excellence by its skills human and its instrumental skillsCEREGE's research is supported by laboratories and analytical platforms, inter-team collaborations and a broad network of national and international collaborations. The thematic teams are supported by state-of-the-art laboratories, a multiple and complementary field of expertiseThe project combines field observation techniques with analytical experimentation and numerical modelling.

The CEREGE offers training courses of the UFR Sciences and the OSU Institut Pythéas from the Licence to the Master and Doctorate levels.