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Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Puigserver Cecile

Puigserver Cecile

DC-PhD Student

TP-Earth and Planets

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D. student at the CEREGE and at the Tour du ValatMy research focuses on the Camargue coastline and more particularly on the beach south of the Etang de Beauduc. This geographical area, formerly belonging to the Salins du Midi, was bought by the Conservatoire du Littoral in 2008. The management policy of the Conservatoire du Littoral is to leave the area alone. Thus the dike parallel to the present beach has been left abandoned by choice. Through processes of overwash and reworking of the sands via channels the area has undergone significant change since this change in management. New marine inputs feed the largest hydrosystem in the Rhone delta via these channels. This site is one of the seven European pilot sites of the RestCoast programme (, a programme that funds my thesis.

  • 2021 - Master 2 in Coastal Geography - Aix Marseille University
  • 2020 - Master 1 in Marine Physics - Institut Universitaire Européen de La Mer (IUEM) + Ecole Normale Supérieure des Techniques Appliquées (ENSTA Bretagne)
  • 2019 - Bachelor's degree in science and technology with a specialization in physics and biogeochemistry - Aix Marseille University
  • Geography Physical
  • Coastal oceanography
  • Modelling