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Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
François Sabatier

François Sabatier


RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates

Contact details
Email. :
Tel: +33 (0)4 13 94 92 52

My research focuses on the observation, quantification and prediction of coastal erosion for fundamental and applied research purposes and I am now interested in Nature-based Solutions to anticipate and adapt to climate change. To date, I have co-supervised 7 theses, directed more than 50 master's theses and participated in a dozen international research programmes. I mainly teach physical geography, geomorphology and natural hazards, with a focus on coastal and fluvial hazards.
Director of the Geography-Planning-Environment department of the ALLSH UFR (AMU) since 2017, I also direct the COAST (Coastal Management and Vulnerabilities) master course since 2019 and I am the deputy director of the Institute of Ocean Sciences since 2021

  • coastal geomorphology, coastal engineering