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Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Rizza Magali

Rizza Magali


TP-Earth and Planets

Contact details
Email. :
Tel: +33 (0)4 13 94 92 46

My research focuses on the study of large active faults (Asia, Iran, Caucasus, Mediterranean) and on the application of optically stimulated luminescence to active tectonics. I am particularly interested in the dating of paleoseismic events in order to better constrain the seismic cycle on active faults.

I am currently developing two scientific aspects in the framework of my activities as a teacher-researcher. My research activities mainly concern methodological developments in luminescence but also the development and use of very high resolution topographic data (photogrammetry, LiDAR, satellite images, virtual reality) for their applications in active tectonics and paleoseismology.

I am in charge of the OSL laboratory at CEREGE.

  • 2010 - PhD Thesis: Analyses of co-seismic velocities and displacements on strike-slip faults in Mongolia and Iran - Morphotectonic and paleoseismological approach - Geosciences Montpellier
  • Active tectonics
  • paleoseismology
  • Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL)
  • cosmogenic nuclides

lots of projects in progress