Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Henriquet Maxime

Henriquet Maxime

PD-Post Doctoral Researcher

TP-Earth and Planets

Contact details
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Tel: +33-(0)

My research focuses on tectonic deformation, from the seismic scale (a few seconds to several thousand years) to the plate tectonic scale (several million years). My projects are based on convergence contexts such as subduction orogens (Sicily) or collision systems (Croatia, Tibetan Plateau, Tien Shan). To understand deformation processes at different scales I adopt a multi-data approach coupled with analogue and numerical modelling. My work integrates geological observations (maps, logs and field data), remote sensing and geodesy products (digital elevation models, InSAR, optical image correlation, GNSS), quaternary dating (cosmogenic nuclides, OSL, 14C) and geophysical signals (gravimetry, seismic imaging, subsurface geophysics)

  • 2021-2023 - Post-doc CNES - CEREGE
  • 2020_2021 - ATER - CEREGE
  • 2017-2020 - PhD - Geosciences Montpellier
  • 2020 - Thesis - Montpellier
  • 2017 - Master 2 - Montpellier
  • 2016 - Aggregation - Lyon
  • Morphotectonics
  • Reversal of coseismic displacements
  • Remote sensing (InSAR and image correlation)
  • Analogue modelling

Morphotectonic approach: Petrinja Fault (Croatia) / thrust faults in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan.

Coseismic displacement reversal: Petrinja earthquake (Mw 6.4, 2020, Croatia).