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Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Ecoto(Mi)x LCA

The agricultural recycling of organic waste products (ORP) of urban, agricultural and agro-industrial origin is an important lever of the circular economy and sustainable development.

Nevertheless, repeated application of these PROs significantly increases the levels of trace elements (TEs) and/or organic trace contaminants (OTCs) in amended soils. The ecotoxicological impact of these contaminants and their mixtures remains very poorly documented at present, which limits our ability to produce a robust assessment of the overall impact of the practice of agricultural recycling of PRO.

By combining appropriate and complementary approaches (literature review, experiments, modelling and multi-criteria evaluation of recycling scenarios), we propose in the framework of the LCA-Ecoto(Mi)x project to improve for ETs, to develop for CTOs and to establish for ET-CTO mixtures, terrestrial ecotoxicity models that will be integrated into the standardised Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach and the USEtox model 

The innovative and original character of the project will consist in revisiting the approach adopted by the USEtox model to integrate the specificities of the agricultural recycling of organic waste, such as the speciation and the behaviour of ET after spreading.

2021-2025: Ecoto(Mi)x LCA

Terrestrial ecotoxicity models integrating the specificities of agricultural recycling of organic waste products (OWPs) for the Life Cycle Assessment approach

Financing : ADEME

Emmanuel Doelsch (carrier)

Partners :

  • CIRAD, UMR Ecosys, Saclay
  • LBE, Narbonne
  • Ineris, Thiverval-Grignon