MATRIX is the 2D and 3D X-ray imaging platform of the Sustainable Environment of the CEREGE.
It offers a complete service, unique at national and European level, of spectroscopic techniques and'correlative and multi-scale imaging.
Its analytical park allows the combined use of several non-destructive techniques to characterise the heterogeneity (i) structural (micro and nano X-ray tomography), (ii) mineralogical (X-ray microdiffraction) and (iii) chemical (hyperspectral X-ray microfluorescence mapping) of the same sample.
The platform is open to all. It has the label " Aix-Marseille platform "since 2017 and is part of the SPIX (Spectroscopy and X-ray Imaging) from ReGEF network (French Geochemical and Experimental Network, INSU-CNRS). Its equipment is integrated into the national platform of theEquipEx+ IMAGINE2.
The staff of the platform has extensive experience in X-ray spectroscopy and imaging, both in the laboratory and at the synchrotron. They will assist and advise you in the choice of techniques, sample preparation and image analysis.

- Workshops and courses - Master GeE, MAEVA course
- TP - POLEMIL Field School
- CNRS Thematic School ASTER'X
- Visit of the equipment in the L3 SVT-Terre Licence and in the Master 1 STPE and GeE-MAEVA