Imaging and Geomatics Tools (GISéo)

Technical platform
- GNSS differential, topo-bathymetry
- Imaging by UAVs (SfM photogrammetry, magnetism, LiDAR, optical and infrared imaging) and by ULM. Platform approved by the DGAC and Dirsu-drone of the CNRS with 2 remote pilots and a fleet of 9 multicopter and wing-flying drones
- Photogrammetry platform on laboratory samples and fossils (5cm to 40cm in size), on outcrops and field structures (50cm to 100m)
- Field computers and tablets
- Windows and Linux workstations for computing and graphics
- NAS storage
- GIS software (ArcGIS, QGIS, SAGA), remote sensing (ENVI, Orfeo Toolbox), photogrammetry (Agisoft Metashape, MicMac), 3D (CloudCompare, Lastools, TerraSolid, VRGS), photography (CaptureOne, Photoshop, Gimp).
- Virtual reality
- Computer room for training equipped with 20 workstations with specific software (GIS, GNSS processing, 3D,)

Spatial Data Infrastructure
- Design of geographic databases
- Data cataloguing, metadata, FAIR
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Webmapping
- 3D visualization and analysis

Development of processing chains
- SHELL scripts, Python, dedicated software. Open-source development preferred.
- Data formatting; spatial analysis; photogrammetry; LiDAR; remote sensing