Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Palaeoclimatology: how can we reconstruct past climates?

8.30 pm: Palaeoclimatology: how can we reconstruct past climates?
Guillaume LeducPalaeoclimatologist, CNRS Research Fellow at CEREGE

Just as history tells us about human behaviour, Paleoclimates tell us about the nature of changes in the Earth's climate. Born of the need to understand the present as well as the physical, chemical and biological mechanisms that govern our planet, the 'paleo' sciences, as they are sometimes called, explore the depths of time inseparable from the sciences of the planet and life.

This evening will illustrate how changes in the oceans, atmosphere and ice and the evolution of the biosphere have interacted over the course of the Earth's history. Finally, it will seek to better understand the future evolution of the climate and ecosystems in response to the increase in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases.

Whether you're a specialist or a novice, the Cafés des Sciences are for everyone who's curious about science.

Free admission

Read the CNRS Info article: Palaeosciences: fossil revelations at the interface between climate and environment