Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Water Cycle Day

The cross-functional projects at CEREGE aim to create synergies between scientists from the Unit's various thematic teams, leading to original approaches to research and expertise on major scientific issues.

In addition to the areas covered by CEREGE's 4 teams (Climate, Earth & Planets, Sustainable Environment, Hydrosystem Resources and Carbonates), we are developing a number of other areas by combining our scientific and technical expertise. major scientific themes such as carbon cyclethe apprehension of natural and man-made riskss, the Sustainability sciencesthe history of the human race as seen through the eyes of the geo-archaeology and archaeometry and finally the water cycle.

As part of its cross-disciplinary activities, CEREGE is organising a day of events on the "Water Cycle" on 18 June 2024 from 9am, in the CEREGE amphitheatre at l'Arbois (Aix-en-Provence).

The day will provide an opportunity to showcase our activities and our expertise in the field, to define our outlook in research and training on this major theme, as well as the opportunities to meet the challenges posed by the water issue.