Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Soon CIRENE, a unique technology hall for environmental sciences

Led by the Aix-Marseille Provence Metropolis, the Arbois site development project, including the construction of the CIRENE (Centre for Innovation and Research for the Environment and Ecotechnologies) and the development of the BELTRAM pavilion, is one of the institutional real estate projects selected by the Metropolis because of its major interest in the attractiveness of the region's campuses. After the inauguration of Beltram on February 2nd, the CIRENE hall should open its doors this summer.

The CIRENE technology platform will strengthen CEREGE's experimental capacities and design and implement innovative industrial pilots, prototypes and demonstrators in connection with the environmental transition and the circular economy. It will be located just a few metres from CEREGE, an interdisciplinary research unit focused on innovation and regional, national and international socio-economic partnerships, and from the CISAM+ antenna in Beltram.

All of the experimental devices grouped together in the same place will make the CIRENE hall a unique experimental centre within the Environmental Sciences community.

The CIRENE Centre will enable research to be carried out downstream of human activities through the characterisation of environmental risks as well as new technologies for treating contaminated environments. Also upstream of human activities by developing new materials and processes that are safer and more sustainable throughout the life cycle.

CIRENE groups together devices dedicated to the ageing of materials (climatic chamber, soxhlets), to the environmental risks associated with emerging technologies and advanced materials (mesocosms, phytotron), to the recycling of strategic metals contained in waste (high-energy spectrometer), to the treatment and reuse of water (bioreactors, lysimeters, planted filters), to the storage of C in soils (incubators), as well as X-ray-based instrumental developments (HERMES, TXRF). These devices have been obtained within the framework of ANR, H2020, industrial and regional projects over the last ten years for an amount exceeding 500 K€.

These devices will take place within the CIRENE in 6 predefined spaces: an air-conditioned room dedicated to mesocosms, an outdoor experimental terrace and 4 experimental poles (water treatment, life cycle of materials, instrumentation and sensors, soil/plants). The hall will also have a chemistry laboratory as well as office space and a meeting room.