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Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Grands Séminaires du CEREGE : Gwénaelle Goude, LAMPEA

8 June, 1.30pm, Amphithéâtre Pasteur, CEREGE Arbois

"Contributions of isotope studies in bioanthropology: food, environment, physiology and social structures".

Summary : The study of the isotopic compositions of bioarchaeological remains has been known for over forty years and has made a major contribution to documenting both human behaviour and the environments in which humans evolved. However, technical improvements and multi-disciplinary approaches based more recently on the development of work in biological anthropology are providing new insights into the life histories of past human groups. Using a number of methodological and archaeological examples from the Holocene period, we will look at recent research on food choices, physiological adaptations, breastfeeding and weaning strategies and social status.

The presentation will be in French and will be available for streaming (